Endless space 2 guide vodyani
Endless space 2 guide vodyani

  • Improved ground battle tactics: balanced effect, removed round number modifiers (replaced with manpower deployment limit modifiers), added ownership malus for the surrender tactic.
  • Balanced space battle tactics and changed unlock distribution.
  • Balanced weapon module: reduced missile power, increased flack effect, increased beam power).
  • Increased hull health and upkeeps (slightly increased medium ship cost and greatly the large ship cost).
  • Added negotiable truce (not managed by AI, missing negotiable terms).
  • Removed duplicate of exploration stage 1.
  • Increased influence zone progression rate.
  • Fixed issue on exclusive technologies which were not exclusives.
  • Infinite improvements are now compatible with Food to Industry.
  • Removed description panels from Faction Trait tooltip.
  • Added political impact to Leech (Religious) and Planet Destruction (Military) entity actions.
  • Fixed issues of Singularity: FIDSI and depletion effects.
  • Added different Demand management on Marketplace prices.
  • Reduced hero experience from improvement built, increased from battle and nodes / curiosities discovered.
  • Minor Factions with Cordial relation or better now don't block trade routes.
  • Reduced AI Prestige bonus in higher difficulties.
  • Added a turn action on Time Bubbles, so they need to be in the first position to be completed.
  • Use of Crew Modules on hero ships is now forbidden.
  • Brainwashed factions can no longer start a new assimilation quest.
  • Population collection bonuses for Riftborns: movement points are only halved when going through wormholes (temporary - will change for release).
  • The limit can be increased with technologies and temporary modified by ground battle tactics.
  • Improved Ground Battle: there is now a maximum manpower that can be deployed per turn.
  • Improved notification flow: click on a button which open a menu no longer displays the next notification.
  • Polished end turn timers & added 'out of time' animations.
  • AI behavior has been improved, notably with regards to its aggressiveness.
  • Mezari or Sheredyn populations are now effective at the end of the United Empire Chapter 3.
  • endless space 2 guide vodyani

    Added module computation formulas in the ship design stat tooltips.

    endless space 2 guide vodyani

    Ship modules category icons are now colored based on their strategic resource in the tech tree.Improved module icons: larger on the ships, improved progression details, redone support module, removed kinetic trail, changed category module orientation.Added localized subtitles for all the introductions.Key binding has been improved (detect if the key is used, …).The game should automatically choose the compatibility mode.Fleets that cannot fight cannot be used as reinforcements in space battle.Motherships now start the game with 1 action point.Neutral propaganda is no longer queued when colonizing a system.Refund value is now displayed in 'Deed failed' notification when relevant.Automated ships are no longer sent to besieged outposts.Screen/button tooltips display information about their keyboard shortcuts.Added a timer for the auto battle start.Stat buttons on the Advanced Battle Setup Screen are 'togglable'.Put back the Surveyed support at the end of the Election process.Fixed: AI now researches new military modules.Fixed: Ark generation and leecher use are now working correctly.Fixed: AI now doesn't cancel missions without any reasons.Fixed: Issue where AI fleets were staying in hangar forever in some specific cases.Improved node strategic score heuristic.Improved behaviour and technology choice for colonization.Changed: Improved map and vision sharing evaluation and open borders.Changed: Increased AI desire for trade (in particularly for mercantile AIs).Changed: Improved the way AI uses support modules.Changed: Globally improved the military attack, defense and invasion.Added: AI now feedbacks more game events and takes into account more player actions (leeching, time bubbles, blockades, attacking civilians, Unfallen actions etc.).

    endless space 2 guide vodyani

    Added: AI is now able to propose alliances, map and vision sharing (if it has the tech).Added: AI is now able to attack enemies it finds on its mission path.Added: AI now research military modules technologies.Added: AI is now able to trade technologies by diplomacy.Added: AI is now able to cancel laws to retrieve the empire points.Added: AI is now able to activate laws (knowing that it costs Influence points).Pirates now wait fleets that are coming to their systems before moving to another system (depending on their mission).

    Endless space 2 guide vodyani